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» SPIC MACAY National School Intensive II
SPIC MACAY National School Intensive II
Dear All
Here is attached the Tentative Schedule of the National School Intensive at Patna. Also attached is an Invitation letter on behalf of SPIC MACAY for the Intensive. The DPS invite was already sent in last mail.
A note on the idea of School Intensive written by our Founder Dr. Kiran Seth has also been attached. A copy of the previously sent registration form is again being attached. Pls let us know of your any query.. and send your entries at the earliest.
Warm Regards Harsh Narayan
--- On Fri, 15/10/10, Harsh Narayan <harshnarayan@yahoo.com> wrote: From: Harsh Narayan <harshnarayan@yahoo.com>
Date: Friday, 15 October, 2010, 3:41 PM
Dear All It is my pleasure to announce this year's National School Intensive to be held at at DPS Patna from 25th December to 30th December. I would request you to kindly spread this in your chapters, and kindly make a point that maximum number of schools send their children to attend this. Herewith attached are the following documents: - Invitation Letter
- Registration Form
- A Poster for publicity / to be put up at notice boards at institutions.
A detailed Schedule will follow soon, as we are in the last stage of finalising it. Mean time pls let me know if you have any particular query. Cheers Harsh Narayan Central Coordinator & Facilitator - Bihar & Jharkhand Cell: 99 11 75 90 77
17,शिवलोक कालोनी,संगम मार्ग, चितौडगढ़ (राजस्थान)-312001
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